Please contact us at:+65 86676866
  • With our ISO-certified testing laboratory, we excel in providing cutting-edge anti-counterfeiting detection services. We employ AS6081 standard to ensure the authenticity of electronic components, safeguarding your supply chain from the risks of counterfeit products. Our rigorous inspections provide you with the confidence to source genuine and reliable components.

  • R&A's Component Quality Inspection service offers comprehensive quality and authenticity verification for electronic components. Our state-of-the-art facilities and skilled professionals conduct meticulous inspections to identify potential defects, ensuring that the components meet the highest industry standards. This verification process enhances the overall reliability of your products.

  • We understand that product integrity is paramount in the electronics industry. Our service is designed to offer tailored solutions that align with your specific needs. By partnering with R&A, you gain access to precise quality and authenticity assessments, enabling you to confidently integrate components into your products. This personalized approach contributes to your products' overall reliability and performance.

R&A offers you a wide range of product choices and professional solutions.
Please contact us at:+65 86676866